
Mecha Lord

Sunday, January 5, 2014
Free Player

Mecha Models

Valoth's Epic Image G20
Golden Wrapped Nubertron NSC-25
Golden GLaDERP Security A-27
Golden Valkyrie Prime N-29
Golden Steampunk Model A-2
Wrapped Nubertron NSC-25
Riptide Allegis
Milziiga Sniegapika NK24 Chassis

Mecha Parts Inventory

Badge of Heroism
Cloak of Shadows GG24
Dimension Bumper
Ebil Blade
Elemental Ember
Liath Key
Necryptos Bloodcrystal
Piece of Eight
Scythe of the Reaper NK24
Shadow Laser NST24
Standard Ghost Trap
T-Flan 2
Valor Badge
Valoth's Epic Cannon NB23
Valoth's Epic Cannon NF23
Valoth's Epic Grip (B)
Valoth's Epic Grip (F)
Valoth's Epic Rage
Valoth's Epic Shredder B23
Valoth's Epic Shredder F23