Advanced Raven
Golden Token
Silver Nubertron
Golden Katana N-16
Chrono Corruptor
Wrapped Nubertron NSC-15
Mystraven GEARS Edition v11
Golden GLaDERP Security A-27
Chaos Crusher
V-Trapper NSC23
Lord Mechula II
Frost Viking
Mecha Parts Inventory
A-Head of Schedule
Bacon-Wrapped Nova Zorbo
Component Thief F12
Cursed Tape
Generic Jack in the Box
Hot New Anniversary Chip
Icy Starfire V6
Ketchup Cannon N-20
Ledus Bumba NK16
Lucky Cloverblade Mc17
Mecho-Blaster Boombox
Medal of Bravery
Minar's Ornate Star Blade
Necryptos Bloodcrystal
OmniKnight E-Blade
Periwinkle Candle
Plasma Gun V26
Quick Disorientator
Rose Shooter
Rubber Ducky Launcher C-3
Shredzilla 5000
Star Ruler Dueler
Swiss Cheese Super Launcher Mk. V
The Star Brawler
Ultra OmniKnight E-Blade
Valor Badge
Valoth's Epic Grip (NGF)
Valoth's Epic Rage
Valoth's Epic Shredder B23
Vladic Blade