Chrono Corruptor
Milziiga Sniegapika NK8 Chassis
Silver Token
Golden Token
Wrapped Nubertron NSC-5
Wrapped Nubertron SC-5
Golden Wrapped Nubertron NSC-5
Golden GLaDERP Security A-45
Golden Valkyrie Prime N-19
Golden Steampunk Model A-1
Mecha Parts Inventory
A-Head of Schedule
Air Gun
Automatic Repeater
Blue Button
Brute Blade
Brute Blade
Brute Blade
Central Power Unit
Crystal Sabre of Stars
Double Autogun N9
Energy Razor
Missile Mouth
N-UBER Missile (FLX-1)
Plasma Pulsar
Smokey Flame Thrower
Solar Mega Blaster
Standard Ghost Trap
Telekinetic Orb
Turkey Leg
Valor Badge
Valoth's Epic Grudge
Valoth's Epic Temper
Wolf's Head